Weighing up the global scales of 'justice'

In an interview with UCD Today, the university magazine of University College Dublin, Ben Tonra tells of his hopes and ambitions for the GLOBUS project.

Ben Tonra will lead GLOBUS' work on security and conflict resolution, while also making critical contributions to other themes of the project.

From the article

'Ben Tonra, Jean Monnet Professor of European Foreign, Security and Defence Policy at the UCD School of Politics and International Relations, will lead a UCD team as part of a larger multinational four-year global research project to help find a new focus and understanding of what 'justice' means in a global context. Here, he tells of his hopes and ambitions for the major undertaking.'

'The whole area of foreign policy is hugely complicated. [In the West] we have our own understanding of what justice is. But in other countries, such as those in the Islamic world, and in China for example, there are different perspectives. What we are going to look at is how nations and governments look at the idea of international justice; how countries feel they are being treated. It is generally trying to get a sense of what we all see as international justice. So, if you understand how other countries with different political systems and values to ours see things, that can be a big help for European foreign policy makers.'


Weighing up the global scales of 'justice' (pdf), UCD Today, Autumn 2016, p. 5

Published Oct. 11, 2016 1:44 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2016 1:52 PM